2023 Conference
The 19th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching will be held on 17th – 19th February 2023, themed ‘Our next normal: Resilience Building and Future-Ready ELT’.
Established in 2005, CamTESOL has become a premier professional development conference in the Asia-Pacific region for professionals in the field of English language teaching and related issues, with an average audience of 1,700 attending annually (over 600 of whom are international participants from more than 50 countries).
In the history of its making, CamTESOL was successfully held virtually in 2021 and 2022, and these conferences welcomed over 2,500 delegates from across the globe, with 600 live presentations across 21 streams successfully delivered over the course of 3 days.
This year, the 19th CamTESOL Conference is honored to invite delegates back to the physical conference with a larger scale and scope along with its special features of plenary panel discussions on emerging best practices in teaching and learning, future-ready skills, wellbeing topics, and industry trends in the post-pandemic era and beyond, by leading local and international experts, world-renowned researchers and innovators, educational influencers, policymakers, and QA bodies.
Register Here!
| Early rate (Paid by 24 January 2023) | Standard rate (Paid after 24 January 2023) |
Citizen of ASEAN countries
| US$ 100 | US$ 120 |
Non-Citizen of ASEAN countries
| US$ 190
| US$ 240
June - October 2022 : Call for Abstracts Opens |
1 Oct 2022 : Early Registration Opens |
1 Nov 2022 : Abstract Selection Results |
17 Jan 2023 : Conference Program Released |
25 Jan - 19 Feb 2023 : Standard rate |
17 - 19 Feb 2023 : 19th Annual CamTESOL Conference |
1. | Curriculum and Materials Development (CMD) | 11. | Methodology (MET) |
2. | EAP & ESP (EAP) | 12. | Motivation (MOT) |
3. | Editing and Publishing (EP) | 13. | Professional Development (PD) |
4. | EdTech (TEC) | 14. | QA and Leadership in the New Normal (QAL) |
5. | ELT in the ASEAN Region (EAR) | 15. | Teaching Speaking (SPE) |
6. | Independent Learning (IND) | 16. | Teaching Listening (LIS) |
7. | Language Acquisition (ACQ) | 17. | Teaching Reading (REA) |
8. | Language Policy (LP) | 18. | Teaching Writing (WRI) |
9. | Language Research Stream (LRS) | 19. | Teaching Grammar (GR) |
10. | Language Testing and Assessment (LTA) | 20. | Teaching Vocabulary (VOC) |
| | 21. | Teaching Young Learners (TYL) |
Check out the highlights of past CamTESOL conferences:

The CamTESOL Secretariat gratefully acknowledges the support of the following sponsors and exhibitors to the 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference:

For sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at the 19th Annual CamTESOL Conference in 2023, please contact secretariat@camtesol.org or visit the 'Partnership Options' section of the CamTESOL website.
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