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Embark on a Rewarding Journey: Participant Guide to the CamTESOL Conference

Your CamTESOL journey begins even before you arrive. The CamTESOL conference is not just about attending sessions and taking notes. It is about immersing yourself in a vibrant community of educators, igniting your passion for ELT, and exploring Cambodia after the conference. Here, you will embark on a journey filled with knowledge, connections, and unforgettable experiences.

Pre-Conference Buzz:

Connect with fellow participants via CamTESOL App: Join our online forum to introduce yourself, spark conversations, and build anticipation for the event.

Prepare for insights: Browse the conference program, highlight sessions that pique your interest, and plan your schedule according to streams and speaker interests.

Get insider tips: CamTESOL offers educational and cultural tours which aim to provide an opportunity for international visitors to gain insights into the Cambodian educational context, culture, and history as well as the city life and views of Phnom Penh.

Immerse Yourself in Learning:

Day 1: Set the stage with a warm Welcome Reception. Network and mingle with fellow educators, ignite conversations with engaging exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge resources, and raise a glass to new connections and learning horizons.

Day 2&3: Dive deep into plenary sessions covering the conference theme, "Preparing Successful Learners: Bringing Real Language into the ELT Classroom". Participate in a diverse range of workshops and presentations across 21 streams, from curriculum development and methodology to motivation and technology integration. Learn from renowned experts, share your own experiences, and engage in lively discussions. Network with colleagues during coffee breaks and explore the vibrant exhibition hall showcasing the latest educational resources and solutions.

Network and Celebrate:

Evening Events: Unwind and connect with fellow attendees at the Welcome Reception. Enjoy local entertainment, cultural performances, and a chance to build lasting professional relationships.

Coffee Breaks and Lunches: These informal gatherings are perfect for spontaneous connections, exchanging ideas, and forging new friendships.

Social Events: Participate in organized tours and excursions designed to showcase the host city's vibrant culture and attractions.

Estimated Costs: 

Registration Fees: Early Bird of USD130 for ASEAN citizens and USD220 for non-ASEAN citizens (Paid before 01 February 2024)

Accommodation: Varies depending on your preferred hotel type and location (Budget: USD 30-50/night; Mid-range: USD 70-150/night; Luxury: USD 200+)

Food: Local meals: USD 2-5; Western cuisine: USD 10-20; Coffee shops: USD 2-5

Transportation: Grab is the most popular means of transportations for both locals and foreigners. The price ranges from USD 2-5 depending on the distance.

Places to visit prior/after the conference:

Phnom Penh: Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, National Museum, Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Central Market

Angkor Wat: (Optional full-day excursion) Explore the majestic temples of Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, and Bayon Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Currency Spending in Cambodia:

While the official currency of Cambodia is the Cambodian Riel (KHR), the US Dollar (USD) is widely accepted and often preferred, especially in tourist areas and cities like Phnom Penh. This means most of your estimated costs mentioned above can be paid in USD. However, carrying some Riel for smaller purchases like street food or local markets is recommended. ATMs are readily available, and you can easily exchange currency at banks or money changers.

Here are some additional tips for managing your currency in Cambodia:

  • Bring some USD in cash: Although cards are becoming more widely accepted, cash is still king in many places.
  • Avoid large denominations: Smaller bills like USD 1, USD 5, and USD 10 are more practical for everyday spending.
  • Be aware of exchange rates: Compare rates at different money changers before exchanging currency.
  • Negotiate at markets: Haggling is expected at local markets, especially when paying in Riel.


Staying Safe and Healthy:

  • Purchase travel insurance: This will cover you in case of medical emergencies or lost luggage.
  • Drink bottled water: Avoid tap water unless it is treated and purified.
  • Be mindful of the sun: Use sunscreen and wear a hat, especially during the midday heat.
  • Mosquitoes can carry diseases: Use insect repellent to prevent bites.
  • Traffic can be chaotic: Be cautious when crossing streets and watch out for mototaxis.


Remember: This is just a suggested itinerary, and you can customize your experience based on your interests and budget. Embrace the unexpected, be open to new connections, and let the CamTESOL conference fuel your personal and professional growth.

Get ready to embark on a rewarding journey filled with learning, inspiration, and connections!

The CamTESOL Conference Series

is an initiative of IDP Education

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